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Of holidays cry,
News was raining
Of holy days waning,
A wasted summer by,
Another actor in the job,
A newer face of olden day,
An older way of newer pay,
Nostalgically sobbing snob.

A hint

Life is: parting
And departing
Of a wish.

Life's delay
Is decay
Of a form.

Life is art
By heart
Of heaven.

Life's a dance
In trance
With death.

Life's a game,
A frame
Of freedom.

Life's a minute,
When pure.

Life is mint,
Just a hint
To Everything.


Travelling the world
Is the seeker of his world.
Something's more than just
Being here and wondering.
So you go on – wandering
Over the world
To find your world.

Knowing nothing's incomplete,
As the knower you will meet
Truth for which you roam and moan,
Always trying to get free,
Trying everything to see
Till at last you feel inside
You're at home where you abide.

Always looking for the place
Where you'll see the hidden face,
You have suffered and you went
Where you are and what you want,
Where you feel that you can grant
Just yourself a little peace,
Just yourself to be at ease.

A song

My kingdom has come.
All doubting has gone
Back to its source:
Your thinking of course
That was lost in the air
As a dust unaware
Of its course in the wind,
The air that is winged.
But now it is clear
How is everything near
To the heart of my nature
When my love is mature.

My life is a fountain,
Of a heart as mountain.
And all that was wrong
Has made for a song
As the flight of a verse
Through the universe.
And freedom is there
In each and all aware.
For the fate of your wheel
Is your doubt of the real.
And your karmic event
Is the state you invent.


I am the willing
And the being willed.
I am the stilling
And the being stilled.
I am the fulfilling
And the being fulfilled.

I am the burning
And the being burned.
I am the learning
And the being learned.
I am the yearning
And the being yearned.

For I am both the fuel
And the flame intense,
Once divided in the dual
Ever since down dense,
Of so gentle in the cruel
My breathing every sense.


People around me, people away,
They're living and loving, they say.
They're busy, they have no time.
Would they have thoughts like mine?

People are hurried, people are sad.
They are obsessed and really mad.
They're working, they are afraid.
They flee; they fear their fate.

The bad things that all people do
Are done because they never knew,
Intoxicated by their view,
Their anxious working is not true.

People fear their holy role,
Flying from a hidden soul,
Anxious, for they got the blame,
Imprisoned by their feeling fame.

Would many people ever think
The emptiness in which they sink?
Would many people ever care
About the truth inside they bear?


My love is compassion,
a graceful aggression.
My love is the Will
that makes you be still.

Through all change of the World
that goes on by My Word
my message is clear:
don't hold on to your fear
for your life is My Art
and your home is My Heart.

I think of some peace
as the highest Release.
There is struggle and war
but the future is more
than this silly offence
of your innocence.

The future is given
as the past is forgiven
and the future is near
as the present is here.


There is evolution
And there is involution.
There is apparently
Life; there is death.
But I am the reviver
Of my chosen matter.
The desert was as vast
As my home beautiful.
My home is the world.
Without me, as I see it,
A planet is just a stone.
But I am the destroyer
Of stone, which I break
To manifold appearance
Of manifest existence.
The limitation assumed
Is just life-imitation.
The mirror imitates
The image of my face.
And compassionate humanity
Calls for justice for the mirror
To be it free from its illusion
And free from limitation.
As the mirror imagines
The image of the real
Or magnifies
Is this world
The identification
Of my identity.
I am the inherent one
I am the inheritor.
I am the inheritance.
And I am happy.
I am the reviver.
Believe me.


Feelings are tired
Of being touched
Out of their depths.
They sink back again
To resurge and whirl
In the breath of a body
That feeds them, feelings
In which you see and think.

You give them or share
Or keep them, reticent,
And grow weary and seek
Solution or inner salvation
As they can't correspond.
To the outer world, maybe
They have fallen, but fail
To be tired feelings again.


Where is a place
I won't feel guilty of myself,
So pure,
There is no need to worry?

Where is a thought
That won't be guilty of itself,
So free,
It can't be got to worry?

There is no space
That is not guilty of itself,
But free,
For it can think to worry.

There is no thought
That can be guilty in itself,
But pure,
For there's no self to worry.

It is there

You should rest
And feel at best
And every word
And you'll sing
To this world
Of some Thing
That you feel
That is Real.

You should rest,
Be my guest
And imagine
Your request
Is the engine
Of my breast.
Then at best
Will my advice
Be your sacrifice.

You should come
And have none
Of your knowing
As your word
But your bowing
To this world
Which is That
What you see
To be Free.

You should come
And go on
With the treasure
Of your love
Without measure
From above.
You go on
And you dare.
You're Aware.

When you're gone
What you've done
Will be fun
For your living
Is no run
From you loving.
You have gone.
You don't care.
It is there.


In pleasure we try
To hide the eternal
In a measure of why
We worry the final.

In pleasure is joy
Conflicted by pain
And so fallen a toy
Of comparing brain.

In pleasure is peace,
Too divided in void,
A dependent release
On sensation, annoyed.

Peace is too easy,
Essence-less desire
Of freedom ecstasy
To tire that fire.

Peace is the passion
That harmless in deed
Exhales the compassion
That will harmonise need.

Peace is the blended
Extremes comprehended
By man-kind extended
As the balance of bad.

For bad is imbalance,
The stress of dis-ease,
Not the very essence,
So seen once at peace.


Life is: parting
And departing
Of a wish.

Life's delay
Is decay
Of a form.

Life is art
By heart
Of heaven.

Life's a dance
In trance
With death.

Life's a game,
A frame
Of freedom.

Life's a minute,
When pure.

Life is mint,
Just a hint
To Everything.

Night and day

The day waves around the earth,
Shadowed by its night
That rushes around the earth
To seek the morning light.

Light fills existence
That helpless when dim
Sings its new presence
That always has been.

Night is a running shade,
Always hunting day
To see the morning made
And catch its golden ray.

Joy is shadowed by its sorrow,
Always followed by its trade
That is reaching for tomorrow
When the day will be remade.

The earth spins round
Through days of light
That cannot be found
By their own night.

Night blows over everywhere,
Seeks to meet the day somewhere.
But it finds that light nowhere.
For then it is no more night right there.


The lightened and the light,
I AM my own transcendence,
Flashing through the night;
MORE I AM easy and intense
Than the hammering of right
By a thunder in its fright.

MORE I AM easy and intense
As translucent fluorescence
Of the flood in the moonlight
In its quarrelling alliance
With the land; I AM delight
Of the thunder's inner fight.

As the drum of foolish fight
Thunder seems to be immense.
But so to be as morning light,
MORE I AM nearly no offence
But very silence of the night,
Essence of the cycling light.

Than the hammering of right
MORE I AM the silence whence
Truth is trembling as a white,
Wide awareness within sense.
So MORE I AM easy. I AM bright.
Light I AM the might of sight.

MORE I AM near than any power.
MORE I AM mighty than thunder
Like the freshness of a shower.
Where I AM HERE is Wonder.
Like the fragrance of a flower.
MORE I AM near than any hour.


The universe is
A song of service.
The truth is the way and the life.
There is nothing not existing.
But the truth is not insisting.
Truth is the natural course
Of the ever-changing moment.
Freedom is decisiveness
And in form its forming.

The end

There is no truth
By proof.
There is no justice
By the law
There is no freedom
By form.
There is no love
By a smile
Or seeing by the eye.
There is no God
Established by man.
Establishment is form.
But in life
There is only
In moving events.
In truth
May be proven
The continuance
Of formation,
The direction
Of the Law,
The embodiment
Of life,
The eye of sight
Or a smile of love.
But there is
No interruption
In the living end.
The end is no limit
Or even a summit,
Which is form.
The end is here
And now,
Falling back
Behind us.
So the end is
In clearing a way
Freedom of future.
There is no freedom
By form,
No life by the body,
No seeing by the eye.
But the world is
A form of freedom
And retina of light.


Since truth is its presence,
Being is beauty is essence.
Since sensing everywhere,
Truth is unchosen aware.
Since truth is unforbidden,
Therefore never hidden,
Reality is not in hiding,
Rather simply in abiding.
Unpretending permanence
Is unconfounded innocence.
The truth is harmlessness.
And truth is always less
Than taught or any stress
Upon itself, the freshness
Of thought. It is to bless
Substance of forgiveness.
The truth is pure to press
Freedom by its keenness.
The truth is less than less,
Overwhelming clearness
Of listening to its silence.
In the hearing of existence
The truth is less than pity
Seeking more simplicity
Which is only complication
And confusing implication
Of anything not being Here,
Thus the implement of fear.
For the truth is unimplied,
Not defined not either lied,
Not denied not either tied.
More the truth is undefied
By any form of supposition.
Or from suffering suspicion
Truth is free a faithful fee
For thee and me to be.
The truth is its confession.
Truth is mere compassion
For the mistrustful fright
Disturbing you're all right.
The truth is not the trust
In the dust as being just
Less than its helplessness.
The truth is all happiness.
Clean is its timelessness.
When truth is so stainless,
It sustains without stress.
For the only lie is stress
Of truth, which is existing.
There is nothing not existing.
There is nothing that is not.
There is nothing that is not.


I do as Romans do in Rome.
I had a passport while I stayed in bed.
But across the border, I wrote instead
A poem, as I came home.

It was in England I believe
I tried to be but lost the thread.
And I carried a pass of the dead,
As I saw my guardian, angel, leave.

Worst poem

Water is running,
the waiter is cunning.
The globe is warming,
tourists are swarming
to end the bill.

Holy day plea,
The old man in the sea
stands peeing,
not seeing
the kill.


So I stink
as I think,
our stride is stunning,
over the hill.

Our dish
the last fish,
the sea is empty.
Don't tempt me.
I am ill.

The pill

The cup is full.
And pull
the trigger.
We always get bigger
as long as we drill.

Cosmetic, I presume
surgery, perfume,
no flower in the way
of my play.
I take the pill.


As long as you spend,
the stone will roll.
I bought a new friend
and believe in the poll.

I have a new end
and I drink alcohol.
There is a new trend,
I believe in control.


I think that in spite of all the scepticism I have got, and the many attempts at assassination, I was true. I was, it seems to me, but this is only accepted as true by proof, not before, by who are in control or whom we admire, who just seem to be a little bit ahead of one who has no such introduction, takes it, needs it or understands it.
Petty and pretty prestige are the disease of a time when people have no intuition.
Unfortunately, good and willing people always present the same standard slogans in helping others and offering therapy, the most appalling sign of a lack of intuition or risk, an application without self-knowledge, or the vanity that follows a trend to be able to impose it. Many don't even understand the practical difference between basic qualities like man and woman and they still try to stipulate the lives of others. So any system basically promotes ignorance and succeeds unless we have a sufficient and effective amount of humour, which is again impossible without a certain rebellion. Not rebels but often sweet and agreeable people are out to get you all the time, and infringe free will, because they are always, modestly, behind the facts.
The media frequently report facts that were conceived a few dozen or hundred years before, while nobody took notice.

Realising the world is one and promoting this fact, I was increasingly and intentionally isolated – in an environment that was boasting of tolerance – and discriminated by everyone, especially those who had an interest in being tolerated. So I tried to make paintings, as words had become utterly meaningless. Self-knowledge always resides in that part of us which has no social status, and the more adapted people are, the more dangerous. They anticipate and take for granted acceptance before they think and speak. This is seen as social. I discovered unity and simplicity in diversity, and vice versa, but also that many have neither and are mainly reacting to a trend.

Those who don't understand the opportunity of today are the best documentalists of tomorrow, of whom or what they have secretly forsaken and how. The ones who are in control now have learnt their history lesson well, although at school. But their success may be based on the decline of a neighbour who constantly has to be justifying or is commanded. The hypocrisy behind this command, one has to see through.
The worst crimes are considered to be the best known.
No, the worst crimes are those that are the least known.

This does not mean that who or what are unknown are respectively criminals or crimes.

Edgar Allan Poe should be seen as a social scientist.

Who is able to distinguish the news from commercials?
One has to more clearly explain which is which.

There is too much confusion among the believers.


On their way to the northern Russian port of Murmansk, located to the Barents Sea, are a Dutch team to try to more or less safely store nuclear waste from old Soviet submarines.
The Barents Sea is a part of the Arctic Ocean located mostly in the Arctic region, under the ice cap, now waning, of the North Pole, north of Norway and Russia. It is named after the Dutch navigator Willem Barents.
The fisheries of the Barents Sea are important for both Norway and Russia. The sea supports a rich biological diversity, but there is nuclear contamination from dumped Russian naval reactors.
The operation is paid by the state of Norway, out of concern for the whole region. Nobody in Russia or elsewhere knows exactly how to manage the huge amount of radioactive waste still left in the area of Murmansk and Central Asia in particular, which has presumably helped the Soviet Union fall apart, not only Russia as remains, and is piling up – not only from this region, and currently only the Dutch seem to have the expertise to do this correctly within existing limits.
But also in the Netherlands there are only a few men who can lead such a team. These have now been hired by Norway.
I spoke with one of these men, and he said that the nuclear waste problem is a real doomsday scenario. Barrels of nuclear waste start to rot simply and are leaking already. He had also aided in Chernobyl after an accident at a nuclear power plant in 1986 (with resulting radioactive fallout spreading over half the globe), and he has returned for inspection.
He was not optimistic having been there: "Everything looks equally greyish: houses, trees, people and animals," he said, "and not from old age."
It has been said that the most of contemporary sicknesses have been related to (being exposed to) radiation, and that man overestimates his safe control of nuclear energy. The whole world is more or less contaminated. There are even those who add that without divine intervention the earth would have been practically uninhabitable by now.
Last month, on May 13, 06, Mohamed ElBaradei, head of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in Vienna, received the Four Freedoms Award in Middelburg, Zealand, the Netherlands, from the New York based Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt Institute in conjunction with the Roosevelt Foundation in Middelburg. Roosevelt's family are originating from Zealand, it is claimed.
The Four Freedoms Award is an annual liberal inclined award presented to those men and women who have demonstrated an achievement to the principles lined out in the Four freedoms speech president Franklin Delano Roosevelt gave to the US Congress on January 6, 1941. It is handed out in alternate years in New York by the Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt Institute and in Middelburg by the Roosevelt Foundation. The awards were first presented in 1982 on the centenary of president Roosevelt's birth as well as the bicentenary of diplomatic relations between the United States and the Netherlands. The awards were founded to celebrate the four essential human freedoms espoused by president Roosevelt in his speech: freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom from want, and freedom from fear.
For each of the four freedoms an award was instituted, as well as a special Freedom award. In 1990, 1995, 2003 and 2004 there were also special awards. In odd years the awards are presented to American citizens or institutions by the Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt Institute in Hyde Park, New York. In even years the award ceremony is held in Middelburg and honours non-Americans.
However he did not die long before that, to be possible we adopt that US wartime president Roosevelt has had to legitimately wrestle with his conscience to drop the atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki towards the end of the second world war, and had not intended the application of atomic energy for the free market or to make a competition of it.
J. Robert Oppenheimer was dismissed as a director of the Los Alamos Laboratory in New Mexico – where he had helped to develop the first atomic bomb in the world ahead of the enemy, ensuring victory for the allies in the war – after he no longer wanted to co-operate in the use of nuclear power for military aims.
Military and economic aims have the same impact today.
Oppenheimer had not counted on – the impact of – the release of radiation and was exposed at the first test (Albert Einstein had already calculated the release of radiation).
Oppenheimer died in solitude.
How many have followed?

The Soviet Union has been forced by the West to suddenly embrace the free market, which disintegrating in panic it has done. This has now also become a quite nervous situation since there is almost no more middle class in these now separate countries of the former Union, including the larger Russia.
As our aforesaid source, working in nuclear waste management, said: "There are some very dubious people who were responsible for the nuclear arsenal of Russia, living now in Florida as multimillionaires, even though they had a low income in the past."
The same man was asked if he did this type of work from idealism or simply for the money.
He replied that he had an ordinary monthly salary but is no idealist.
That would possibly be too flirtatious.

A cigarette more or less does not concern our future on earth; to believe it would is a painful apology of the West.

What does.

The Treaty of Amsterdam

In tune with the European popular beat 'the bigger the better', many, especially small, European countries, including the Netherlands, have thrown overboard what has made them essentially big: their social institution and their social understanding.

In a city like Amsterdam where the ideals of a natural, uncompetitive society had survived so far, we can see the effects of this new (dis)orientation most clearly, to appease the proverbially displeased taxpayer supposedly.

Not only the municipality and the Dutch government, but also the University of Amsterdam has moved towards a deeper commercialism in a confusion of who is who. This can be observed in small things, and is a result not of choice but destiny, it was proposed by European policy-makers.

"The train is moving and cannot be stopped," said German Bundeskanzler Helmut Kohl at the time, referring to the euro, the single European currency. We have disquieting associations of trains which cannot be stopped. That is maybe also the reason why public transportation and other services became a matter of constant controversy.

Everybody has to 'think big' in time and students are conditioned at an early stage by the decree that they have to be delivered as a good but mere product – worth the investment – to society and be useful to the state, the latter which has been supplanted though by European ideology, an abstraction.

Some years ago, as the Treaty of Amsterdam, laying the foundation of the euro, was approved by the European Council held in Amsterdam on June 16-17, 1997 (signed later that year on October 2, officially signed and approved by the European Parliament on November 19, 1997, then ratified by each member state and coming into force on May 1, 1999), we could see already changes taking place in small communities like that of the University of Amsterdam.

A boy was excluded from the university after having spoken about the world teacher Maitreya, the mahatma Koot Hoomi and the master Djwhal Khul, also called 'the Tibetan'. The latter became well known for the many books that he telepathically dictated to his disciple Alice Ann Bailey in preparation of a new world order in which a consensus would be achieved between material ideology and spiritual science, between means and meaning.

The boy who thus spoke was arrested, interrogated and thrown out of the university, the mensa – public meeting space and cafeteria – by nearly ten policemen who had been invited by the manager to that effect. This manager had received an information anonymously, he said, that the person in question (no longer a student but still a creative member of the intellectual environment of the university) was suspected, say accused, of an aggressive form of mental instability, dangerous to others, and of terrorist plans. The boy was shocked, but anything he said in his defence was futile and enhanced suspicion against him in other ways.
A manipulator is almost never true.
A couple of days before that he had been already approached in the same place by several security guards. These, then recent, employees of the university had nothing to do here and were just looking for trouble and intrigue and some distraction to justify their presence, the boy had thought. This was before international terrorism became a global condition of human affairs.
Those who are considered a threat have been employed to survey what they themselves are, which is politics. A new class of people has been effected to serve their suspicion.

The boy had a handicap.

Meanwhile a new, ambitious subway was planned in Amsterdam with much glass in its design, suggesting a transparency lacking everywhere else above the ground, and many mirror-like effects, presumably to make it seem inviting for its engineers to enter as well.

The boy has had his lesson in psychology, call it economy, and what is cause and effect. His experience was later interpreted as sustaining a development on a wider scale, and a clear guideline in understanding the twins of not completely imaginary terrorism and war on terror. The semi-transparent structures which were globally anticipated as part of a new world order have alienated many, not only from an open community like Amsterdam used to be, but also the world in large, including those that were to be intelligent leaders.

The end of the cold war between East and West had become possible by the effort of Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev, whose voice was of one crying in the wilderness, as in 1991 the Soviet Union collapsed, and of a Winston Churchill trying to save the British Empire after he had won the second world war.
The ensuing so-called new world order, as it was conceived after the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 and in 1990 the reunification of East and West Germany which had been separated since the end of the second world war, was closely linked to the 1990 Gulf war organised by US president George Herbert Walker Bush under the umbrella of the United Nations, against Iraq, and a mere instrument, working out in a more abstract manner than the supermundane, as a desert storm, in the same wilderness.
More or less in the same period Yugoslavia began to disintegrate into a number of independent states, in 1991 and 1992, leading to civil war in the Balkans. A large number of refugees flooded Europe.
The cold somewhat remained.
George W. Bush followed in the footsteps of his father as president of the United States and continued the war in 2001 after terrorist attacks by Islamic extremists on the USA on September 11 of that year. This time the war was not authorised by the United Nations by very uncertain evidence. This was the deadly war on terror.

It is imperative to observe wisdom in small matters being part of any order. Our messengers have been frequently maltreated, the result being confusion and terror. The boy at least learnt, in his own way, why Pythagoras already stressed the ever persistent analogy between microcosm and macrocosm being basic to all life and how this can be a real science as well as a form of prevision.

Many people like to steal and falsify knowledge when it is in the right hands. But even thieves help to construct evidence by what they cannot use properly. A culture of blame and shame, of waste and bad taste may be the result, and of search, but also still: scientific proof.

When we apply this knowledge to society, and recognise the points of difference as well as the correspondence between public and private responsibility, we understand why alienated people seek transparency under the ground and obscurity above and still call themselves realistic.

Simple people are needed to create a balance between means and meaning, between freedom and justice. Simple structures will be the result of their solidarity, not dogmatic or oppressive but resilient and reliable.

War on terror

Schizophrenics mostly don't realise that they are schizophrenic. But they have a heightened sense of smell, a kind of oversensitivity to all kinds of odours. In that way they are extremely repulsed by certain (even imaginary) smells, for instance of tobacco smoke, as we can witness from the indignation of the instated bourgeois when we light a cigarette in public. And most people who don't know themselves are more prone to schizophrenia. People are not educated in schools to be able to know who they are, as this is not considered to be sufficiently useful to the state.
Urinating is not only forbidden in the street in some countries, like the Netherlands. Even in public lavatories one is increasingly controlled by hidden cameras, presumably in the context of war on terror and an associated, general moral revival.
Unconscious people have little self-control, and they are controlled by unconscious tendencies by which they inevitably and compulsively seek to control others.
Therefore the next logical step in the schizophrenia of the state is a ban on smoking as well as a ban on urinating in all private rooms.


The more broad-minded a person is, the more he is able to understand the way into the future without the stick of memory to lean on and the more quickly he will have reacted to his inner soul giving him the understanding of the future rather than a mere recollection of the past. Memories, if interpreted with wisdom, can help to get an insight in the way ahead but being cherished just for what they are will only enhance conservatism which is the philosophy of the past and its preservation and no guarantee of anything hopeful. Notwithstanding this there have been many historic people who were ahead of their time and even ours, by our slowness.
They were ahead of time in general not because they documented history so well or possibly had such outstanding memories but looked into the future progressive people are tending. A purely materialist interpretation of the mind and its avenues has led to a form of progression where half of humanity lives in luxury at the expense of the other half starving. The philosophy behind this is frequently called intellectual materialism. It holds that the soul is a result of brain activity. And the only result of this is a society where matter rules over mind rather than the reverse, without any brain activity.

Social contract

Community and the commonalty are not necessarily the same. Equality is not the same as levelling. E-quality is quality on three levels as symbolized in the capital E.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau expounded the belief that the ideal society is one in which a man's contract was between himself and his fellow men, not between him and a government. The social contract that he envisioned may be stated simply: each of us places his person and authority under the supreme direction of the general will, and the group receives each individual as an indivisible part of the whole.
Many people have been persecuted in the name of equality or ideological concepts of sharing imposed on others. When we realise that communication precedes community, at best we may not need psychoanalysis.
New jobs would have to be created, it is true, and new testing will be developed to maintain the suspense of one's own superiority. But no system will ultimately be able to support it, unless in a state of collapse. Not every step around or into the corner can be politically exploited forever.
Community ultimately precedes freedom. Freedom is often seen as an array of options before having chosen. And those who impose freedom on others, ironically, mostly have already chosen and gathered everything they need into a state of saturation that struggling people don't follow. Hence there is so much resistance to freedom. For this type of freedom may have all options, but no solution. One has to be realistic and realise the conflict between the means and the end as double Dutch – with all respect.

No flower

Sometimes it is counterproductive to criticise people for their money. It safeguards them against constant control and intrusion and gives useful people the opportunity and privacy to do anything at all.
An environmentalist is judged solely by his electric bill, and we see a type of control occurring by for instance housing corporations, which are the first to take advantage of his ideas, leaving or putting still paying occupiers merely in the cold to save energy and money in particular.
This phenomenon we see for instance take place in the Netherlands, symbolically.
Also insurance companies are quick to acknowledge the danger of global warming and assess the risk of floods, as is now happening in London.
As long as anything can be measured in terms of money, it is real to the public, which is the first victim of its assessment, trapped.
A lover of nature who buys vegetables from the shop is checked if he doesn't have too many flowers in his garden where he could grow vegetables instead, a surgeon if instead of the delicate and expensive knives he uses for surgery has no ordinary kitchen knives at home, and a reporter if he has no pigeons to bring the news. A genius is accused not to have been just an average schoolboy.
An illegally good-looking female somewhere is also a great joy to the envious public, if it will provoke a sense of guilt or shame it doesn't have itself.
Politicians are expected to be the religious leaders that are obviously missing in real life. And so politics seems to revolve around the possibility of a scandal more and more. In return it constantly seeks to represent and appeal to controversial elements in society. And the real scandal left are we to ourselves. We are supposed to become very docile from this type of concern and even more subservient than we were.
Revolutions often became colourless, regressive and even repressive by this type of reasoning: neither green nor flower.
That people with some quality are constantly checked in this way may exactly be one of the reasons why they go into retreat and why there are so few politicians of some integrity and the ones left in power are reactionary.
No one else wants to take any responsibility.


In line with other countries and European policy in general, new and strict rules for identification have been introduced in the Netherlands – presumably in the context of war on terror – seeking to compensate for a lack of inner identity. This lack of identity involves nearly a form of superstition, at least intrigue, a suspicion often confused with tolerance, even compassion, based on a feeling of inferiority; intrusion and control from fear and greed, curiosity and presumption; equality and democracy from love and support of or preoccupation with either the absolutely unseen and anonymous or the morally inferior or both or with education.

In diplomatic talks of the biennial summit of the Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) it has been said that control stems from the state in China but from society in the West. So it was suggested by Paul van der Velde, secretary of the International Convention of Asia Scholars and senior consultant of the International Institute for Asian Studies, working for the ASEM.
It seems one has been trying to make up for this in the West turning social control into law, from both sides now.
The Asia-Europe Meeting is a dialogue process between the EU member states, the European Commission, the major members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and China, Japan and South Korea, also called the ASEAN Plus Three. ASEAN Plus Three is a forum that functions as a coordinator of cooperation between the ASEAN and these three East Asian nations. The ASEM process aims to strengthen the relationship and increase mutual understanding between the regions of Europe and Asia, in a spirit of mutual respect and equal partnership, devoting equal weight to political, economic and cultural issues. The ASEM was officially established in 1996 at the first summit in Bangkok. The Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF) was established by the initial ASEM partners in 1997, and is based in clean Singapore.
At the sixth summit of the ASEM in Helsinki, Finland in 2006, India, Mongolia and Pakistan were invited to participate in future meetings, as well as the ASEAN Secretariat. The seventh summit will be held in Beijing, China in 2008.

An article warning that such rules will only enhance a further want of identity had been submitted to Indymedia in the Netherlands and in the United Kingdom, adding that the war on terror was a set-up from the same nefarious forces that have caused the world wars of the twentieth century. A reference was given to a mahatma, justifying its timing and its context at present, but the article was not published.

It said that the masters of the wisdom have warned in advance now and then, but their voice was unheard by the interruption of the same forces of materiality that feed on world glamour and illusion.

The same article suggested this was possibly the case as well in Great Britain when a television interview by the BBC with world teacher Maitreya, living and working in London since 1977, was cancelled both by religious pressure and the media attention being distracted by the Falklands war of 1982 between Great Britain of prime minister Margaret Thatcher and the unpopular military junta of general Jorge Videla of Argentina, whose dictatorship came to fall by its defeat in this war over the Falkland Islands (or Malvinas, off the coast of Argentina) it had sought to annex.

The masters can and do intervene in various possible calamities, but are limited by (our) free will. For this reason – it was stated – certain messages have been given to help clarify alternative lines of action, to be able to make a choice.

This was one.


By increased materialism, expressing in the isolation associated with greed and a precarious self-defence system to protect unregulated individualism, one of the remnants of tolerant Holland, the University of Amsterdam, was seen to have complied with a rat race of numbers quite symbolically.
An analogy has been given between this phenomenon and the Treaty of Amsterdam, the latter making possible the European Monetary Union and its single currency, the euro.

One day, somebody was expelled from the University (mensa, canteen) of Amsterdam.
This was justified by tolerance.
Various people had confided in him that they frequently went to a prostitute in the university district, the internationally known red light district of Amsterdam, but nevertheless tolerant he yet had to admit he would not and was found placing himself above the others, and this again was taken as a form of discrimination.
This shows the nature of tolerance being rationalised in democracy.
The same procedure can often be found to take place in politics and society at large. We don't need to derive a moralistic position from this; we can simply observe the pattern of manipulation in the so-called emancipation of a majority: all is equal but not one.
Many wasted lives are the result of this alienation.

Our world is judged by criteria of formal education and ongoing time divided by examinations that once completed are compulsively carried on in everyday life in many variations on a theme and increasingly complex compartments to the fulfilment of an apartheid system consisting not of two or three groups but as many as there are single individuals or members of a nation or even more.

This apartheid is enforced by mechanically manoeuvring people in sections of society on the basis of greed and graduation.

One has sought to escape suffocation in ever larger structures, which are however still conditioned by the same marks.

This is more or less how apartheid became globalisation.

All is one but not equal.


Just as many people had finished their Christmas dinner, in 2004, and were watching television, they were confronted with the most catastrophic tsunami in recorded history. This flood which occurred in several countries around the Indian Ocean killed over 200.000 people in less than an hour. It was hard to imagine what confrontation had occurred to those immediately affected. This was not the right moment to be too philosophical about its causes and so forget the misery of masses of people.
Yet we wonder what is then the right moment for man to ponder on his relationship with nature and the world he inhabits. To be philosophical in this respect is no escapism but a deepening of our collective conscience which indeed directly concerns this natural disaster. It's high time to see that environmental pollution is only the grossest form of the severe strain we put on this earth and its crust by our own human imbalance, normally only apparent in relation to each other.
To take this mention as an insult to those suffering the natural consequences of disturbances essentially caused by man, would be a narrowminded mistake and no help to any victims, neither to anyone identifying (with) these. It blows our mind that even the most progressive thinkers and the media make a taboo of the possibility of any relationship, as if this is just an issue of good manners, and only relevant to rescue workers who really have no time to think, and as if such lack of time is the only legitimate form of solidarity – in a case of divorce. In this way so many people not only died for nothing but for a cause, of promoting an opportunistic view of life which refuses to consider any relationship between cause and effect, indeed logic.
So often we aimlessly defend our innocence not finding any logic when we see an effect take place in the negative. Despite ourselves we are reminded of the many myths of the flood or entire countries having been swallowed by the sea, something we have never been able to visualise so far. Habitually we do not know when to speak or listen, it seems, by our good sense of manners. It is nature itself, supporting us, which has no such manners, nevertheless tells its own story.
It is time to listen.


The war on terror has gained a new dimension now that Sail Amsterdam is approaching in the Netherlands, on August 17, 2005. Statements have been given by the authorities that the event could be a target of a new terrorist attack. The Netherlands was one of the American allies in the war on terrorism initiated by US president George W. Bush of Dutch descent, in Iraq and elsewhere, mainly in the Middle East, which more or less inaugurated the 21st century.
Sail is a manifestation of sailing ships from around the world, in the port of Amsterdam, quite near a replica of an old VOC ship, the Amsterdam, situated next to the Netherlands Maritime Museum. This ship is an employment project turned into a tourist attraction, and was built on the initiative of the same municipality which had decided to expand the Anne Frank House into a more general minorities museum at the time.
Anne Frank was a Jewish teenage girl who was in hiding in a canal house in Amsterdam with her family and four friends, during the second world war. Here she wrote her diary, The Diary of a Young Girl, in a small place behind a bookcase. She was betrayed and caught by the Nazis and deported to a concentration camp, where she died. The diary was saved and the house where she was in hiding became a museum, the Anne Frank House.
The VOC (Dutch United East India Company) was the first multinational on earth, and was at the peak of its power in the 17th century, in the so-called Dutch Golden Age, and the ship is seen by many as a symbol of colonialism and even contemporary capitalism and globalisation.
To be able to build the annex Anne Frank Museum, many student apartments had to be torn down, which caused a certain controversy. The mayor of Amsterdam at the time was also known to be unfriendly to the squatting movement. And in this way (the plan to build) such an annex was seen as a hypocritical manoeuvre by many people. The decision to build it anyway was made in the 1990s, shortly before an El Al aircraft crashed in the middle of a densely populated residential area, in South East Amsterdam, where many minorities lived.
The accident is still seen by some as a precedent of the terrorist attacks on New York City, years later, as it has possibly inspired a group of alienated Arab men in the West to imitate such a catastrophe. The September 11, 2001 attacks consisted of a series of coordinated terrorist suicide attacks by Islamic extremists on the United States of America.
All people imitate to some extent.
On the morning of September 11, 2001, nineteen terrorists affiliated with al-Qaeda hijacked four commercial (passenger) jetliners. Each team of hijackers included a trained pilot. The hijackers intentionally crashed two of the airliners into the World Trade Center in New York City, one plane into each tower, resulting in the collapse of both buildings and irreparable damage to nearby buildings.
In addition to the 19 hijackers, some 3000 people died; around another 25 were missing and presumed dead. The victims were predominantly civilians.
The hijackers crashed a third airliner into the Pentagon in Arlington County, Virginia, near Washington, DC.
Passengers and members of the flight crew on the fourth aircraft attempted to retake control of their plane from the hijackers; that plane crashed into a field near the town of Shanksville in rural Somerset County, Pennsylvania.
Other terrorist attacks followed in Madrid, in 2004, and London, in 2005, after a bloody war on terrorism had started.
In cafes in Amsterdam speculations go round if the city will become as famous as London or Madrid or even New York City now getting some sort of attack.
A few days ago, in the morning, a loud thunderclap was heard from the sky, before it began to rain heavily, and someone at the Waterloo Square flea market had asked: "Have they already begun?"

Our special reporter in the Netherlands has been to the south-western part of the country, Zealand, meanwhile, and wrote that this area has commercialised tremendously. On a terrace of a familiar beach tent with a view over the sea, near the village of Renesse, he often used to visit to get some peace of mind, this year, for the first time, a large number of parasols were found. These had been installed because the middle class trying to live off tourism around the beach suddenly became oriented to receive more so quiet and decent families than loud but especially poor teenagers, it was suggested.
To the same effect and to also further promote so-called norms and values, large and serial bungalow parks have been built in or near natural areas in increasing number, despite all resistance. The rules are that the bungalows are not really inhabited for more than half of the year, so that they are not transformed into ordinary living space. But they are a source of income for the local population. And as environmentalists, developers, local and national authorities and Europe all have a say, agricultural areas have been reshaped in the interest of mainly absent tourists.
Renesse was one of the first to be called a European municipality.
If only the squatters knew of all this!
The parasols were partially associated with the war on terror. They give a sense of security and protection, one of the waitresses had said. The unique view over the sea from our beach tent was almost gone although.
Our reporter sat next to a couple in bathing suits, who had come from near the German border. They were eating hamburgers and had a glass of beer, but little sunshine on that sunny day.
The male had tried to touch the leg of his wife (or girlfriend) with one foot. But she had replied: "No, not now, Jan, tonight … on the couch!"
This report was given as if pertaining to the euro or even globalisation.
We are still trying to correctly interpret this message from our special correspondent.
There are various applications.

War on smoke.

The UK parliament has voted for a total ban on smoking in all public areas. One spokeswoman of the Liverpool anti-smoking campaign pointed out how they had been inspired by advisers from California where this trend had started. A decisive argument for the ban in Britain had however been to protect the health of workers. From the time of the mining industry pubs already used to close early in Britain, to help workers go to bed and stand up early. This has also recently changed. But nevertheless workers as such have always enjoyed much protection, not necessarily as individuals.
Former governor of California and president of the United States Ronald Reagan, who moved the world in the rightist but not accordingly right direction, was a promoter of war on drugs. Influential people like Nobel Prize winner in Economic Sciences Milton Friedman have warned although that such a war is an exercise in futility and can never – either morally or strategically – be won as it would be criminalising the whole of society.
So it has been.
As indeed this war could not be won, its frustrated adherents have cowardly fabricated a smoking ban by way of compensation, hypocritically under the guise of a health care lacking, part of a system based on dubious guesses and speculations, inductions turning and exploiting the role of the victim. The biggest polluter on earth, endangering the species, is pretending to save it.
The vengeful war on terror undertaken against autonomous nations, not only in the Middle East, by US president George W. Bush and his crew was based on the same premises after the terrorist attacks on the United States on September 11, 2001, by Islamic extremists, and the United Kingdom has realised its error perhaps more seriously than the US in its involvement. The UK was simply stuck in a deadlock between Scotland and England, the US and Europe, analysing and analyzing.
After the compulsory identity card had been strategically introduced in several European countries and then Britain, in the context of war on terrorism – to make up for a lack of inner identity, we saw no terrorists being arrested but many of the elderly, disabled and children.
Something similar we have observed in the Dutch ban on urinating in public, one other variation on the war on terror. Only children were caught from behind a tree, hardly any drunken hooligans pissing in your porch at night. High fines were given in many parks by the alerted police, hiding in the bush, in this moral renaissance, survival of the fittest (an economic application, passed down by one Herbert Spencer, of Charles Darwin's theory of evolution on the origin of species), while public urinals are unavailable or no longer free of charge. Class has finally permeated the realm of urine by natural selection. Sigmund Freud has been posthumously awarded. The anal phase was true. Charles, say no more. Go and see for yourself how our respectable bipeds have lost their tails and how we have evolved on Temptation Island!
Naturally in line with the concept of the origin and again rapidly progressing evolution of (the) species ought to be examined as well the many traditional street benches in Amsterdam (Holland), having been divided by two iron bars to technically prevent the homeless from lying down and rest.
The ban on smoking was inevitable in a prestigious and global war about norms and values.
Because the war on terror was a waste of time and energy and a loss of face, perhaps the only effect having been rising oil prices, the UK could only vote for a smoking ban. Drugs are still allowed.

Since the masters of the wisdom have returned to the everyday world, it seems a less actual aspect of their presence now, their suggested immortality, has been absorbed, only by ambitious people who have immediately assumed this to be theirs by greedy emulation and pretence, their own merit and success and even a favour to us, to be taken for granted – as long as nobody around is smoking. Yet, the aura of many, exactly such people remains quite smoky, even polluting. And those who are one of a kind won't prohibit each other poisoning either the spiritually more advanced minority. Instead of smoking in public, also so-called passively, people are now watching, hating and checking each other in private.
We ought to imagine that most evidence is a technical copy of an original by reason of the secondary and therefore artificial nature of time, the great deceiver, unless to an adept who mechanical time doesn't exist for as such.
There are many people, if not all, who are copies of an original, and likewise manipulators, who can only turn the facts upside down to prove – themselves.
As a famous Dutch writer, Multatuli, said: "A rider fell off the horse, and since that time everyone who fell off the horse called themselves a rider."
Only the masters know the truth. They can be seen as the archetypal horsemen of our culture. There is no proof of their existence. For they are – too original – here and now.
Acknowledging this is the modesty called objectivity, the source of honesty.
However, many who are first will be last, and many who are last will be first. This possibly makes clear as well why there is such a loud call for democracy. The majority of the citizens feel discriminated, especially in their cars, whited tombs in a traffic jam in the rush hour. And they will always tend to blame the proverbial other for their own lack of quality in life, likely me.
In many public places it was not even allowed anymore to sit and read (anything but the price). Conceit, control and consumption round the clock are already taken to be the same norm as non-smoking since a long time, and either complete silence or applause: talking or shouting, laughing or crying affirmative nonsense about the various brands of beer in stock is tolerated by law.
If politicians have nothing to do, let them at least not run riot and ruin all social structures pretending to be busy. Let us pay a sufficient amount of tax for their income provided that they keep their mouth shut from time to time and do nothing. To do nothing is not yet to do harm.
The problem is that full employment is needed to be able to destroy planet earth.

There is a negative side to a ban on smoking that has been overlooked.
It has been scientifically proven how schizophrenics who smoke take a smaller risk in getting lung cancer.
And smokers seem to be hardly ever schizophrenic. Who knows smoking is not an antidote to schizophrenia?!
If the cap fits, wear it.

The institution Europe is now speaking in its symbiotic relationship with the second world war: "Where there is smoke, there is a chimney. Where there is a chimney, there is a barracks. Where there is a barracks, there is mass murder."
Euthanasia has come to stay.

About ten years old and not being able to sleep so well, I requested my dear mother once to rather beat me than start a psychological campaign, and I asked for a clairvoyant to advise me about a deceptive society invading me. I met him several years later, after I had been expelled successively from an ordinary secondary school and a Christian faith secondary school. I then went to a Montessori school, worried as I was – and others with me – I would never get rid of the conditioning of examinations, a form of control diminishing certain creative, spiritual and social abilities, as far as I had these.
After this I went to study law and discovered how far we have really strayed from our natural source.

The Montessori philosophy is built upon the idea that children develop and think differently than adults, that they are not merely adults in small bodies. This is just a point of view to this problem which is annoying children with the dilemma of the chicken or the egg.
Which came first, the chicken or the egg? There are more children in adult bodies acting phoney than the other way round. This is obvious to children, and hence they are blackmailed by those in control to adapt to the latter's way of life.
Dr Maria Montessori believed in children's rights although, children working to develop themselves into adults, in whatever bodies, and that this development would lead to world peace. The Montessori method discourages traditional measurements of achievement, grades, tests, as negative competition that is damaging to the inner growth of children – of adults. Let us therefore be patient.

Only now it is time to think of domestic violence in a political context or the other way round.

In this way

I do understand that it would be suspicious if I called myself a master of wisdom; it is already suspicious if I say I could have been Akhenaten or for instance that I have lived in his time. It is even suspicious if I say I am using this possibility as a metaphor. Naturally it is also suspicious if I say that Nefertiti has lived around me here for many years and knows nothing to say of Egypt except that she loves cats.
For I confronted such a woman with her constant meditation, preoccupation, nearly obsession in this way. I told her that I am telepathic, at least sensitive, to such indirect contemplation of the world with the element of a schoolteacher trying to correct every move, if this has become a rhythm and a rule.
All of this is ignored if (as) it doesn't suit her personal intentions, which are always centred on herself.
That those who give some of the required information about the emergence of the bodhisattva Maitreya as world teacher have a policy of selective denial confirms that they follow a system of emancipation of women projected on to men.
I realise this now.
After many years of spying, a woman will not have the same attraction as before. And life in all its vanity goes on and tramples the few things that were learned. It makes them useless and powerless even retroactively, unless perhaps when registered and made insightful and practically used to avoid the pitfalls.
It is absurd and pathetic to push oneself as a woman, even girlfriend, because of time going on, and that one ought to understand this meanwhile with the old age home in view as it were. Yet this waste of life is a fundamental characteristic of women due to their lack of timing. They live in a cocoon, a womb, which they assume is timeless. This illusion can be only altered by the hardness of life and its confrontation, previously the pain of childbirth, and confrontation is indeed invited so. I do not want to mention women although other than symbolic to those who can still choose.
Women will like to be confronted and be put in place and assume this is man's pleasure to fulfil, but it is not, and it is not his vocation and will not happen. He withdraws. Then come the so-called gratitude and festivities, hypocrisy, the humiliation, subversion, backbiting, gossip and group work so characteristic of contemporary society: the co-operation of women including the weaker type of men.
They now start blackmailing someone that he has sent them away or so, seeking to oblige and ridicule him who withdrew, and will develop all sorts of structures of obstruction to his free will, which is: of his God-given right to breathe. They call this love. They will monopolise what is already there in this direction. They will start a process of revenge – assassination or character assassination – including everyone if they can't get their particular target.
This is symbolised in the Massacre of the Innocents by Herod, mentioned in the Bible, of all small boys under the age of two near to where Jesus could be born. Trying to assassinate the expected messiah, automatically a competitor to the authorities, every possible candidate had to be cowardly killed. This was the democratic anticipation of Herod long ago; this is what is going on today. Herod believed.
We have also read of the loving character of Salome and her stepfather Herod, Antipas, son of the above Herod, and where the head of John the Baptist remained. This can likewise be interpreted as a symbol. The head of a man is always at stake.
Christ is again anticipated both in principle and in person.
And it is time to wake up, and stop flattering each other with this policy of politeness. Life is better dangerous than in danger. We must choose to live or die. If we want to live, we have to recognise Herod in all our structures and get rid of him, Christ or no Christ.
The name of Christ is also only a cover.


I have heard that Hans van Mierlo, deputy prime minister and minister of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands during the Dutch UN involvement in the civil war in Yugoslavia, has been held responsible by a group of survivors for the massacre of some 8000 Bosniak men in the region of Srebrenica in Bosnia and Herzegovina, in 1995, in not having acted in accordance with UN guidelines, thus not having been able to interfere in genocide as it was happening.
Hans van Mierlo was main leader and founder of the Dutch political party D66.

Treason is everywhere and even all sorts of set-ups.
I am not really paranoid, for a lot of what I suspected makes sense and is confirmed as true. People try to push and control not only me, but since I live quite consciously I reveal this, a trend in society.
After the restaurants a smoking ban is approaching in cafes and pubs, which I see in line with this. They are usually a social and happy circumstance in so far as they have not yet been corrupted. But they don't seem to sufficiently serve state interests.
In Holland, initially some smoking prohibitions had started in public places under minister of Health Els Borst for D(6)66, who legalised euthanasia.
Culture means "cult of fire".
Where there is smoke, there is fire. There will be obviously no culture.

A good friend of mine has a son of about ten years old who has consistently been treated with psychiatric drugs (for instance opiates) on medical prescription over a period of two years, enforced by the mother and the school in a dispute of her with his father, well meaning of course, but outside his knowledge and based on no real diagnosis, it was proven, and without his consent. He had accidentally found out about this from the overly quiet boy. These drugs have side effects, possibly in the long term.
The father is a well-known artist who lives and works in his studio in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, and had to nearly act as a robber to get the relevant evidence existing on paper of a whole procedure on his own son, a procedure which now includes the malfunction of a judicial council for child care. This evidence had been created by the mother in conjunction with mental health care service Mentrum and elementary school, where it had been saved. Secretly and illegally, but intuitively felt somehow, he had been misled on every level. If he had not had this intuition, he could well have lost his rights as a father, in spite of the fact that three different lawyers had successfully been employed earlier against legal proceedings of the mother to dismiss him as such. The whole intrigue had started after the boy had supposedly been instigated by the mother, a lawyer, to theft in his place.
"That is the way with women," said Don Quixote; "they spurn those that care for them and love those that hate them. But go on, Sancho."
The existence of this document, a correspondence between several earning parties about the boy's state of mind, was finally admitted and leaked to him by someone from within this conspiracy (of mostly women), who had seen her position become unstable and regretted her earlier lack of goodwill and co-operation towards him. This lack of goodwill it seems was the foundation stone of psychiatric treatment to begin with, and subsequent medication, with serious side effects not always apparent at first.
Everybody seems to like – at least empathise with – and confirm rather than solve the problem, so to worsen.

The law in Holland is going to change in such a way that the parent will have no say over his children anymore in a few years and will have no chance legally protesting in these circumstances, and also naturally vital and happy or expressive children, as in this case, will be practically state-owned. Psychiatry can and will do as it likes in the name of the state from an early age and continue drugging children to adapt them to its own dull standard as it pleases. The health and sanity of hundreds of thousands of children are at stake already now. Similar programmes exist in many other countries. The Soviet Union during the cold war even never knew such forms of control as developed not only in the Netherlands, but also elsewhere.


Materialism comes from the Latin word materia is matter, from mater = mother. The biggest mistakes are made protecting children from greed, giving them an unhealthy imagination of danger from the start and teaching them no self-confidence, to become muttering taxpayers merely.
Infantilism has become a global system, and is forced on mature people as well. This is probably caused by mainly Western women who want or have no children other than adopted (old or young), hardly aware, and air their subconscious mother's instinct on adults, one of the side effects of emancipation. No harm yet in itself, but they go so far that if one does not behave like an imbecile one is suspected of perversion. It is clear why materialism denies reincarnation, because in this way it has made man's identity solely dependent on the mother's womb.
Mother's Day was also dearly supported by Adolf Hitler. This may be symbolic.
There are many notions about fascism but ultimately it is not much more than a form of materialism.
We need more spirit (= fire).

The last

Lately a kind of inner voice was much distracting as I was working on a computer, which can be already quite hypnotic, but it proved to be correct (which is not the same as true to me). My age is always essential to people in direct ratio to how I don't wish to consider it myself as it tells nothing about where you or I stand in life but in a mechanical, chronological and chronic society to which we are subservient at all times.
Only mentally lazy people take this for granted.
It is chronic by means of a type of control assuming time to be an automatic rectifier, adapting everyone to one basic concept as everyone dies and loses in the end and the theory has won. Time is based on the rhythm of a political and economic reality and their joint material investment in us. We can only obey.
This inner voice is a form of pestering from naivety, characteristic of anonymous lovers and friends, and imitated by who seek my appendix or the other way round. I don't know which comes first, for time to me is just causality, karma if automatic, a logic which people seem to miss except in slowly dying for the system.
I recently asked someone what life is like between abortion and euthanasia, but I got no reply.
These preoccupations don't bring the timeless quality that people seek within reach.
Education is part of a strategy of the state, also in a democracy. And so we are obliged to it for life, sometimes less mentally free than we were under some of the dictators of the past. We can see the results. Psychiatry seems to be the only industry still growing in the West, moulding the mind of several nations to an uncritically dull and obedient standard.
In reaction to this people seek freedom rather than obligation in sex, for without freedom there can be no love. But this has become political as well and has been abundantly exploited. It is really the point where prostitution and pornography have begun.
Always throwing the first stone to divert attention from its own decay, the state is clearly part of this convention.
That is why I deny that the earth is round. It is absolutely as square as it can be.
I used to think that man represents time and woman space, and respectively Logos (logic) and Eros, but I changed my mind. Superficially speaking, women live more with time than (with) men.
This is biological. They have their period and by analogy are more curious about the weather forecast and the news than men are.
Mahatma Koot Hoomi once observed that people too compulsively imitate nature. Is that why there is so much bloodshed?
And he said that woman is the Lady Echo who always has the final say.

In this way the last will be first, and the first will be last.

Sigmund Freud completed his book Moses and Monotheism when he had fled to London from Vienna to escape the Nazis in 1938, at their commencement of the second world war. This was about his last work before he died in 1939. In it he claimed that the monotheistic religion of Moses was borrowed from Akhenaten, often referred to as the first individual in history, and the first known to be addressed as pharaoh, in ancient Egypt, in the fourteenth century before Christ. Moses means son in Egyptian. See Thutmose, son of Thoth, and so on.
Others have suggested that Akhenaten's grandfather Yuya on his mother's side was the same as Joseph the dream reader in the Bible, in the Old Testament, who was sold by his brothers as a slave into Egypt, due to jealousy, but rose to a high social position. This means the latter would have been vizier to Thutmose IV, who is indeed known to have had an inclination to prophetic dreams. Thutmose's most celebrated accomplishment was the restoration of the Sphinx at Giza and subsequent commission of the Dream Stele. According to Thutmose's account on the Dream Stele, while the young prince was out on a hunting trip, he stopped to rest under the head of the Sphinx, which was buried up to the neck in sand. He soon fell asleep and had a dream in which the Sphinx told him that if he cleared away the sand and restored it he would become the next pharaoh.
The names Yuya and Joseph/Yuseph derive from the deity Yahweh/Jehovah.
Freud was not completely true perhaps, but his analysis carried a deeper symbolism than he might have known. Akhenaten and Nefertiti were among the very few pharaohs who had themselves intimately portrayed together as a couple for a symbolic reason. This was in one of the only cultural and spiritual revolutions, during the so-called Amarna period, Egypt had ever known. Akhenaten later may have claimed to be exclusively descended from both the male and female aspects of his solar deity, the Aten (or Aton; see also the atom, its reflection). Hence the many speculations about the sexual character of Akhenaten, whose representation was intentionally transformed towards that of a hermaphrodite, albeit a rationalisation (still) causing confusion, like most rationalisations. This caused a conflict and likely a separation with his wife, which according to history took place, and this again was the basis of Freud's investigations. The subject of his last book was no distraction from but basis and culmination of his psychoanalysis.
The tolerant and peaceful Aten, Akhenaten's private revolution, forbade and nearly extinguished its rivals, but ultimately could not overcome the many customary ethnic gods of sex, war and other sports to which man of his time attributes almost every daily occurrence. But the idea of the One God implying the equality and inclusiveness of all men was not completely lost either. Akhenaten although went into history as the heretic king.
The Aten constituted a fairly rational religion, the basis of the Adonai of the Hebrews and the Adonis of the Greeks, and its echo may be found in the name of Athens. In fact the term religion has already in it the word Re, another name for the Egyptian sun (god), which re-peats itself in every day, re-incarnates as it were, and is the basis of karma or cause and effect, or reality. Carna means protectress of vital organs, carno flesh in Latin.
Religion has always had much to do with sexuality, for we owe our life to it biologically, while religion speaks of a spiritual origin at the same time, trying to harmonise these two. This has not always succeeded, as neither have we, to harmonise our physical and spiritual ancestry, or even define these to begin with, but many complexes may have been based on historic failures, our past examples and archetypes.
It is therefore significant that the famous bust of Nefertiti was already in Germany, in das Ägyptisches Museum of Berlin, during the rise to power of Adolf Hitler. While it was claimed by Egypt, Hitler annexed it as German forever. He fell in love with Nefertiti and went insane. She looked like an Aryan and became a Nazi trophy.
In 2003 the bust of Nefertiti experienced another tragedy after the many falsifications of her reign with Akhenaten. It received a contemporary body from a hired sculptor, evidently based on some of her older-age representations from ancient Egypt and contrary to the taste of both ancient and modern-day Egypt and Nefertiti herself.
In this way we see the head of a young woman on the body of a somewhat worn out long-distance runner with narrow thighs and hanging breasts, rather insipid, not even touristic.
It is true that many religions based on her since her reign have been misrepresentations, but one of the most marked misrepresentations was Nazi Germany. There can be no coincidence.
Exactly in this context ought to be interpreted the well-known curse of the pharaohs. It is true that Akhenaten had six daughters and just one son, but the latter was not likely the adopted Moses but Tutankhamen (originally Tutankhaten). The circumstance of six daughters was not yet enough for a curse.
Only when the boy Tutankhaten was misused to be the last of his dynasty and when he died as a result of being debased to a mere sporting relic called Tutankhamen, in honour of the god of war Amen (now a parade), the curse of the pharaohs came into effect. The most pronounced consequence of this curse, which initially was a superficial fancy of journalists after the death of some members of a group that had excavated the tomb of Tutankhamen during the first world war, was therefore the second world war. The Egyptians were not stingy with time.
Presumably Tutankhaten had got isolated after the divorce or death of Akhenaten and Nefertiti. Sigmund Freud has had the intuition to take this historical drama as a source, at least measure, of modern disease in a civilisation and its discontent.
It is not hardly a coincidence how Nefertiti has overseen Nazi Germany devastate the world and get devastated itself as if accomplishing an ancient revenge. The Germans were not the only ones at fault, but they certainly were the most tasteless.
Some of this can be found in the archives of history. Contemporary hypocrisy is not yet able to estimate the law of cause and effect. This is what Sigmund Freud has correctly understood and tried to help solve. He knew the roots, whatever his choice of words.
This hypocrisy is based on a suppressed sexuality, he says, rationalising our bisexual origin and dependence on the other, from pride, arrogance and self-centredness.
People tend to spoil what was given them in their compulsory and reactionary conceit which the distinction of sex sought to overcome, not to enhance it as it is. Next to this they destroy the future for possibly coming generations, which more likely they will be themselves by their karma (the same compulsion).
It is only in the sexes that we can see how democratic nature really is. Science may try to achieve a completely democratic society based on the grievances of sexless and colourless people and create all sorts of abnormalities; these are Atlantean and cannot endure unless in another cultural and physical abyss for mankind.


Uruguay in the 1960s was known for its socio-political stability. Army and police were small. A slump in the demand for wool and meat, Uruguay's principal exports, after the Korean war brought a drop in the standard of living. Social tensions along with corruption of the overblown state bureaucracy gave the impulse to an urban guerrilla.
The Tupamaros, Movimiento de Liberación Nacional, were a resistance group of the left, formed against the conservative, repressive, regime of Uruguay in the 1960s. The MLN was founded in between 1962 and 1965 by Sendic, a law student in Montevideo.
Túpac Amaru was the last member of the Inca royal family, murdered by the Spanish in 1571, but the Tupamaros were named after Túpac Amaru II, eighteenth century Peruvian rebel against the Spanish.
Raúl Sendic died in 1989.
The movement began by redistributing stolen food and money among the poor in Montevideo.
A state of national emergency was declared in June 1968 which lasted until 1972. It was during this crisis that the Tupamaros started political kidnappings.
The peak of the Tupamaros was in 1970 and 1971. They held those kidnapped in a Cárcel del Pueblo (people's prison) during this period.
In 1971 over 100 imprisoned Tupamaros escaped the Punta Carretas prison.
In 1973 a coup was declared by the president. He instated a junta of military generals.
In Argentina the Ejército Revolucionario del Pueblo (ERP), or People's Revolutionary Army, the military branch of the communist Partido Revolucionario de los Trabajadores (PRT), or Workers' Revolutionary Party, and the Catholic left-wing Peronist guerrilla group Movimiento Peronista Montonero (MPM), the Montoneros, in this period were equivalent to the Tupamaros in Uruguay. Already in the 1960s the PRT had adopted a strategy of insurgency inspired by Che Guevara, who had fought alongside Fidel Castro during the 1959 Cuban Revolution.
After democracy was restored in 1985 and they were given an amnesty, the Tupamaros returned to public life as a legal political party, the Movimiento de Participación Popular (MPP), Movement of Popular Participation. The party comprised the largest single group within the left-wing Frente Amplio coalition.
The MPP was the most voted list inside the Frente Amplio in the presidential elections of October 2004. Their candidate, the socialist doctor Vázquez became the first non-traditional parties member elected as president in Uruguay.

On March 1, 2005, Tabaré Vázquez has been inaugurated as president of Uruguay in Montevideo, a member of the centre-left Broad Front (Frente Amplio) in which the Tupamaros, as foreseen, are a key majority in the MPP.
One of the guests was the compañero Daniel Rey Piuma, Tupamaro avant la lettre against the increasingly military regime in the 1970s evolving in the dictatorial junta of Uruguay and Argentina of the 70s and 80s, who had to flee his country to Brazil and went to the Netherlands, where he was naturalised as a Dutch citizen, working as an art director for the municipality of Amsterdam.
Although Uruguay officially became a democracy in 1985, it was still attended by the military. Daniel appeared before a commission of truth and was granted an amnesty only in 1992, under the eye of two officers from behind a screen. He curiously needed protection. And he would not be safe in Uruguay with the continued right-wing, army-controlled political climate until now. Old habits die hard.
In recent years his former work as a spy and infiltrator, all the way into the (US-led) concentration camps from where he collected crucial evidence, partly unforeseen and under extraordinary circumstances, of torture and massacre – not to mention rape; the children were adopted by childless officers – sanctioned by associated the totalitarian regime of Uruguay and Argentina, which, risking his life, he smuggled from the country and channelled to the United Nations, was brought back to memory by a controversy around the intended wedding of the Dutch Crown prince Willem-Alexander to Máxima Zorreguieta.
Daniel had also once been married to a woman. She was that traumatised from her experiences in a concentration camp that she could not bear children. He and his wife were both rescued from Uruguay although. When she eventually got a daughter, she was named Victoria.

Wilhelm Reich has sufficiently explained the relationship between sheep and wolves and the uniform they are wearing. We ought to be less dependent on women. They are not so afraid of a little blood as such or even money. It is the smell. Hate me. It is the only love I can ever find in you.

The position of Jorge Zorreguieta, not as father of Máxima but former minister of Agriculture, representing landlordism, of Argentina during one of the most critical and oppressive episodes of its totalitarian regime, of the notorious military junta of general Jorge Rafael Videla, which had seized political power by force in 1976 during violent factional conflicts between far-left and far-right-wing supporters of recently deceased president Juan Domingo Perón, suddenly became disputed from an unusual angle, also to Daniel. Prince Willem-Alexander had quoted a source as saying that only a few people had possibly and miraculously disappeared under the junta. And the source proved to be former general Jorge Videla. The Crown prince later publicly apologised, but too many people had already got alarmed about his further references and circle of friends.
The road of civilisation moves in strange curves.

One of the unexpected survivors from the former resistance of the Tupamaros in his country of the rightist intimidation of its people, a day before and near to where the royal wedding would officially take place on February 2, 2002, Daniel held a one-man demonstration in the Dam Square in Amsterdam. He obviously had no permission to do this. By a deal with the national government although, Jorge Zorreguieta would not be present at the wedding of his daughter, to avoid commotion.

It was his share to defend and uphold the historical truth, which had been publicly denied, in his view, and to serve the course of objectivity in Uruguay and Argentina in the first place and the Netherlands and every other nation struggling with its history, and its destiny in this way, in the second place.
This fact caused him to be arrested by the Dutch police for insult of the monarchy. He was summoned to appear in court and had to defend himself in a case which can be usually never won by constitutional immunity of the royal family in the Netherlands.
Daniel was found guilty. But he still objected. And after a trial in which he had to justify himself before the state for almost two years, he became the first in Dutch history to be relieved of all charges in such a case since the time that the constitution which applies to this, as it forbids forbids all political utterance in exchange for immunity of members of the royal family in this respect, the basis of the monarchy, was written in this country. This immunity is compensated by the citizen of the Netherlands, who is forced to speak politically and is held responsible.
He could have passed it all off with a formal apology, getting a small, symbolic, fine, especially since the penalty for such an offence in a trial could amount to seven years in prison. But his whole house and library had been searched, books had been seized and never returned, and he insisted that he had not so much insulted anyone as had been insulted.
A nuisance to the magistracy he engaged a lawyer, patiently working on a plea, and let the trial be carried on like a Kafka.
He was frequently being spied upon by the secret service, even as we had a chat on Caronte, hell's boatman from Dante Alighieri's Divine Comedy, the pigs in control who are more equal than all the other equal animals, in Animal Farm, or the ministry of peace (war), in Nineteen Eighty-Four, of George Orwell. Or someone played the funeral march of Frédéric-François Chopin on the piano in his home one night while Daniel's father was dying in the Uruguay he couldn't visit, a concert for the agents who overheard us from their hotel across the street.
The ministry of love where political prisoners are tortured and rehabilitated under the supervision of the thought police is in charge of law and order.
Or we made variations on The Scream of Edvard Munch on his easel as his companion was already asleep. She would have to get up early, working as media adviser for the minister of justice.
The Netherlands was one of the early republics before it became a monarchy.
When later she illumined the new identity card, we nearly swooned. It seemed as if the day had never dawned.
I have made up for it.

March 1 will inaugurate the beginning of a new era now a more just society may be accepted without any further official denial of the truth and those who have defended it on behalf of its adherents or participants and their own people.

The truth is indeed a matter of past, present and future, and in that order of appearance now it has revealed a great opportunity.

Speaking of art

Recently I went to visit Daniel Rey Piuma with a few friends at the hospital, not long after he had been to the inauguration of Tabaré Vázquez as the first socialist president of Uruguay in its history, on March 1, 2005, at the same time a conclusion to his own personal and formal rehabilitation. Daniel previously was a spy into the military from where he had collected evidence of torture and massacre by its membership taking which he fled the country and reported to the United Nations in the 1970s, and he supported the revolutionary Tupamaros into politics as chairman for northern Europe. In that capacity we presume his telephone is constantly tapped. Since 2005, the Tupamaros are a represented majority in the Uruguayan parliament, as well as in the senate and in the government. They have also obtained the chairmanship of the parliament and of the senate. The presidency of the government was given to the socialist doctor Tabaré Vázquez. He has the support of the president of Brazil, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, also a centre-leftist. The president of Uruguay is both head of state and head of government.

After Daniel returned home in the Netherlands, he was approached by an Italian judge who was endeavouring to still get on trial living constituents of the former military of Uruguay during its totalitarian regime conceived in the 1960s and formalised in 1973, an example to the infamous military junta of general Jorge Rafael Videla of Argentina that seized political power by force in 1976, for their allegedly carrying responsibility of torture of Italian subjects who are also still alive, albeit with a trauma. He was invited to appear as a witness in a court of law to aid in this case.
He has done this, in Amsterdam, and so an initial position in court having to defend himself against imputations of insult, being forced to bring the issue concerned to the public eye from the start, was turned.
Reviving although what really had happened, he had to be taken to hospital with serious physical complaints which, according to a doctor, were related to post-traumatic stress.
For this reason we are, as visitors, requested to not mention anything that would remind him of the horrors that he ever had witnessed. He reported these to the United Nations after he had been rescued, together with his wife who had been imprisoned in a concentration camp, from Uruguay, with diplomatic help from Brazil including, it has been suggested, of Lula who later would be president.
Because of the orders we had received to not mention anything traumatising, we spoke about art. Earlier we had already spoken about the symbolic dimensions of art and the meaning and possibilities of a Pax Cultura as proposed by the Roerich Pact, named after its founder, Russian-born artist Nicholas Roerich, a treaty which was originally conceived in Uruguay and approved by the Seventh International Conference of American States, held at Montevideo on December 16, 1933. The treaty was signed on April 15, 1935 by 20 Latin American countries and the USA, or all the members of the Pan-American Union, in the prelude to the second world war, precisely to avoid the kind of thing he had seen.
Later it was also signed by other countries, including India in 1948 and the Soviet Union in 1959. In fact the international Roerich Pact, initiated in 1954, was signed by more than 60 countries and became international humanitarian law. The Pax Cultura was to be a cultural analogue to the Red Cross for medical neutrality.
April 15, 2005 marked the 70th anniversary of (the signing of) the Roerich Pact, which was originally aiming to achieve peace through culture, cultural peace, or Pax Cultura, the motto of the Roerich Pact as well as the emblem on its flag, the Banner of Peace: "Where there is Peace, there is Culture; Where there is Culture, there is Peace."
In his new homeland Daniel became an art director for the municipality of Amsterdam.
He studied ever to become a priest but became an atheist instead, presumably from his encounters with the junta. Yet I dared to mention a healing well in Tlacote, Mexico, if medicine or if treatment would prove to be insufficient.
This well is said to have been charged with healing properties by Maitreya. Cases have been reported here even of the cure of Aids, but I cannot verify these personally. Also I am not trying to be a spokesperson of Maitreya and I have no particular religious affiliation. Maitreya is taken by many to be synonymous to Christ.
We are freethinkers but fear at least no further persecution by Nero.
Agreed to provoke nothing traumatic, indeed in anyone, we have mainly spoken concerning art and have shared some pictures as a form of innocence that may help to heal us without the implication of an ideology.
These pictures were not intended to be used in court but given in accord with a notion of Tupamaros in what really means harmlessness, as it happens: faith in our own creative source.
Uruguay has meanwhile become one of the most environmentally aware nations in the world and has recognised people in line with their surroundings to deserve the same respect and healing.
We do our best.
As Nicholas Roerich said: "In Beauty we are united! Through Beauty we pray! With Beauty we conquer!"

The Treaty of Amsterdam

Completely in tune with the current European Schlager of 'the bigger the better', many small people in these days, especially in small countries like the Netherlands, have urgently tried to become big in an altogether unusual way.
This has also affected the city of Amsterdam as well as its city university which had preserved much of the idealism of a free and just society of the 1960s, until the Treaty of Amsterdam, laying the foundation of a single European currency, the euro, was signed. The Treaty of Amsterdam amending the Treaty of the European Union, the Treaties establishing the European Communities and certain related acts, commonly known as the Amsterdam Treaty, was signed on October 2, 1997, and entered into force on May 1, 1999; it made substantial changes to the Treaty on European Union, which had been signed at Maastricht in 1992.
Ironically the unification of Europe, including Eastern Europe, following the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 and reunification of East and West Germany in 1990 which had been separated since the end of the second world war, was accompanied by the falling apart of Yugoslavia and civil war in the Balkans at the beginning of the 1990s. Large numbers of refugees flooded Europe.
Until then, the spiritual climate of the city was still local, more or less open and progressive. Control and repression were unpopular. This property drew always much unconventional people who traditionally take no interest in money as the only reason for their existence.
This has changed. And a new symbolic subway system was designed, the North/South Metro Line, on the one hand with an open character by the amount of glass suggesting transparency, on the other hand showing many mirror-like effects so that presumably also its engineers would like to enter.
Commercialisation also took place at the University of Amsterdam adapting to an unoriginal European standard, competing to be more international in delivering a good product: the student who indeed rounds off his study upwards, but his life downwards.
Not anyone with an interest in free or uncontrolled intellectual development indeed was welcome anymore in its enclaves.
Someone was backbitten in particular for having spoken about the world teacher Maitreya, the mahatma Koot Hoomi and the master Djwhal Khul, frequently called 'the Tibetan'. The latter became well known for the many books that he telepathically dictated to a disciple, Alice A. Bailey, in preparation of a new world order where spirituality and science, soul and matter, in other words means and meaning would meet.
The one who had spoken thus about the teaching of Maitreya was simply excluded from university circles. Having his dinner in the mensa – public meeting space and cafeteria – he was approached and interrogated by nearly ten policemen who had been called by the manager to that effect. This manager had received an information anonymously, he said, that our guest was suspected of terrorist plans. No official student without card the person in question was dissipated, not welcome henceforth.
Several black security guards had suggested his disposal already shortly before that. They had begun an inquiry with a confession about the blonde whore they frequented in an expensive brothel in The Hague. The reaction of the boy was examined asking if he had a girlfriend and a job. They then had a regular chat about racism and how well they are and that quite a few female students were working as prostitutes to pay for their studies, something that they highly admired. These quite expensive employees of the university just happened to have a job like this and had nothing else to do than inspect innocent folk who speak too loud or who don't speak or who sit on a table rather than in a chair, in other words: who don't behave. As a result of this type of control, in all sections of society and by the same cynical logic, many people have basically lost their country. Security guards also need some entertainment. Life would be too boring otherwise. A manipulator is almost never true and original.
Those who are considered a threat have been employed to survey what they themselves are, which is politics. A new class of people has been effected to serve their suspicion.
This incident occurred long before the heinous terrorist attacks on the United States of America by Islamic extremists on September 11, 2001, and resulting bloody and global war on terror (led by the US, unauthorised by the United Nations), but – to his shock – this innocent person, already then, was suspected of terrorist plans, he admitted later hesitating.
The slander was soon generalised as common sense in the complacency of the same circles that had contrived it. Expensive, large granite engravings revealing the philanthropic reflections of the (would-be) celebrities of local science were attached to the outside wall of the mensa. It was politics in a rest harbour of junkies and police having to entertain one another. Not long after that a new rector elucidated at his inauguration that this university was an open market for everyone, a commonplace.
Many cases are known in which, not stupid or wicked, people were separated from society in similar ways, just by a form of rigid obedience, call it slavery, and subsequently had to live – or die – on the street. Not only the university is at fault, but also the municipality and the national government having turned tolerance and democracy into vanity, a kind of ideology, in being pragmatic. For within a context of large and rational political structures like Europe, some small, local and organic interests are easily sacrificed to suspense, in which everyday life and learning are only still a matter of results and ulterior motives. In this respect the university is no exception to the rule that commercialisation leaves or hands over such an institution to the mercy of the power of money. More particularly it hands over individuals to the mercy of the common denominator of foolishness.
A university is supposed to not only pass on some form of culture achieved so far, but to maintain the surroundings in which we can interpret the difference between public and private interest for ourselves. For not anyone is able to seize his own at heart, his position, and what is in or out of place. And which that, however, is, would at least be entertained on non-violence, let alone hospitality. Those people are rare and unique, and indispensable to our culture and future, who will comprehend that their real calling and concern are non-violence in this way.
Control and competition are not even sublimations of but contract in advance and are primary violence as such, squeezing the soul and exploiting the world. Violence just (foolishly) tries to bring relief, as any intelligent person can sense. Non-violence is no slavery or subordination but to distinguish the inner rules of living between form and content, cause and effect. Life is the cause and content, society is a form and a kind of effect, or even only a cover. Formalism and materialism are one and the same thing and they are not even social.
Commercialism leaves us to the mercy of violence. Yet we are supposed to be a good product of and equally useful to society, at least the idea.

We already know of the cornerstone.

In a state of suppression the individual has to serve society – or the state in disguise – instead of the other way round, until there is no individual left and society becomes a cynical remnant of itself, in fact until it disappears by its own selfish ideology, more abstract than a god or devil.
Students are moulded in this, as if all scientists who nourish them were no individuals but merely a product of later founded institutions, and as if cause does not precede effect. The same can be said to apply to both terrorism and war on terror, twins and the common denominator of foolishness.
The individual who was kicked out of the mensa has at least had a lesson in psychology, call it economy, and what comes first: form or content.
By the law of analogy he has interpreted his local experience as an element of indeed mass hysteria.

The master taught him so.

"Erst kommt das Fressen, dann kommt die Moral," it has been said. And a public meeting space is precious.

"Der Mensch ist, was er isst."

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